These are a collection of 8 desktop patterns for use with Apple's Desktop Patterns control panel. Three of these patterns come from my other collections, the other five are new. My 3 all-time favorites are contained in the Top 3 folder.
Response to my patterns has been favorable, but a few have asked for patterns that weren't so distracting. While I'll be the first to admit that Psycho Tiles and Heliotheism are far from subtle, I think you will find that the contents of the Top 3 folder (Green, 3-D, Leap Of Faith) as well as Lycanthropy are quite tame. I have had a mixed reaction to G Wiz!, some find it distracting while others find it quite you'll have to decide on that for yourself.
How Much?
They are free for non-commercial use (e.g. you can't sell them!). Though, I have just started to learn to program the Mac in C (I had purchased Think C years ago, and never even opened the box until the other day! Then it took me a while to apply all the updates I could get my hands on to get it up to 7.04), and would appreciate any help anyone might be able to point out or give me. I haven't programmed since the late '80's (around '88), but that was in Pascal on a DEC running VMS, so I'm quite rusty :-)
Contact Information.
You can reach me via email at or, if you need a snail-mail address or phone number you'll have to email me to get those.
What If My Mac Crashes, and I Lose Everything On It?
I am not responsible for anything...use at your own risk.
Repeal Of Shareware Notice!
A while back, I submitted "Not So Boring Desktop Patterns", a collection of patterns I co-created. At the time the other author insisted they be distibuted as shareware. I now officially repeal the shareware policy, as of now they shall be considered freeware (as they should have been from the start). My partner and I have parted company, and I retained the rights to that package (in case you are wondering what right I have to do this.)
Web Page Plug
On January 1, 1997 I am re-opening my web page. I have shifted the focus of the page from a compendium of guitar related information to a home for the off-beat, though there will remain a small amount of guitar related info as well as the addition of some Mac related info. Please come by and visit. You will find it by pointing your browser (Netscape, right?) to